We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Greenwich.
Premises GPhC Number. 1094661If you’re between 40 and 74 and live in the UK, you should have a health check which we can do at our pharmacy for a nominal charge.
The health check should take around 30 minutes. A healthcare professional, will ask you a series of simple questions about your lifestyle and family history. The check is nothing to worry about and you won’t be asked any embarrassing questions or need to remove clothing.
You can also expect:
The Health Check focuses on:
If you are over 65, you will also be told the signs of dementia to look out for.
After your blood pressure test, sugar level test and BMI results, the Pharmacist will be happy to offer lifestyle advice or suggest you visit your GP, if needed. They might offer ideas on how to:
If you would like to get your Blood Pressure checked by one of our staff, please come to the pharmacy.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid and is vital for the normal functioning of the body. It's mainly made by the liver, but can also be found in some foods. Having an excessively high level of lipids in your blood (hyperlipidemia) can have an effect on your health.
This test aims to provide you with your cholesterol level. We also provide advice based on your test.
We prepare weekly dosette box medicines where we deblister the medicines and put this into the relevant time section inside the container – and deliver to our patients and care homes.
We sell a wide range of dressings and wound care products. Ask a pharmacist if you are not sure which dressings to use for your wounds.
The Electronic Prescription Services (EPS) is the NHS service which allows you to manage your repeat prescription hassle free through your Pharmacy.
No appointments needed, easily accessible location and just a quick consultation, we ensure a hassle free service to all our patients. Simply walk in and ask to speak to our friendly and professional pharmacist about the morning after pill.
Our pharmacist will need to see the person that the emergency contraception is intended for, and will need to ask a few questions regarding the patients’ medical history. This is done in the privacy of our consultation room and everything discussed is in complete confidence. The sooner you come to our pharmacy to take the morning after pill, the greater the chances of avoiding pregnancy.
If the Pharmacist feels like Levonelle One Step is not suitable for you, they will not give you the morning after pill, but advise you to see your health care professional.
We are one of the few pharmacies that are able to provide the morning after pill free of charge to patients who are aged 24 and under, and who meet the NHS criteria. Alternatively, the pill can be purchased privately from our pharmacy.
About Emergency Contraception (Levonelle One Step) -
When it comes to sex, even if you’ve taken precautions, sometimes things don’t quite go to plan. Accidents happen with contraception and things go wrong all the time. You may even just be worried that your contraceptive pill hasn’t worked. If you’ve had unprotected sex or you’re worried about contraception failure, here is some of the information you need to know about Levonelle One Step -
- Levonelle One Step is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed.
- There is one white tablet in the pack and it is most effective when taken within the first 12 hours
- The tablet contains a hormone called Levonorgestrel.
- Levonelle One Step is thought to work by stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg or by preventing sperm from fertilising any egg that may have already been released
- If you are over 16 you can get Levonelle One Step over the counter at our Pharmacy
- If you are under 16 you cannot buy Levonelle One Step at the Pharmacy, you need to visit your GP or a Walk-In centre
- Levonelle One Step works to prevent a pregnancy becoming established, it does not work if you are already pregnant
- You should only use Levonelle One Step in emergencies, not as a regular form of contraception
Please note, there are other emergency contraceptive options available through your doctor or at a Walk-In centre.
If you do have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
A simple, quick glucose level test for anyone interested in knowing their one-off blood sugar level. This test aims to provide you with your individual diabetic risk. results this test can be discussed straight away with the your pharmacist and GP.
At Alpharm Chemist you can get clinical advice and treatment for minor health ailments – like sore throats, coughs, colds, stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhoea and aches and pains. We are open until late (OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAYS AND
SATURDAYS) and at weekends. We are a 100-hour pharmacy!
You don't need an appointment – feel free to just walk in. We have a consultation room for private conversations. All private conversations will be treated as confidential. It’s highly recommended you speak to our pharmacist first for impartial advice for a minor health concern to avoid unnecessary visits to GP or A&E. But if you think you or your family members are more seriously ill, then a GP or hospital visit may be more appropriate. Our pharmacists have expert training in managing minor illnesses and using medicines safely and correctly. They can advise you on the safe and correct use of over-the-counter, self-selection and prescription medicines.
We provide MUR service in the consultation room – an Advanced Service as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy contract. Our pharmacist undertakes a structured review to help patients manage their usage of medicines more effectively. This is useful for patients who take several medicines. The pharmacist reviews the patient’s use of their medication, ensures they understand how their medicines should be used and why they have been prescribed, identifying any problems and then, where necessary, providing feedback to the prescriber. An MUR Feedback Form will be provided to the patient’s GP where there is an issue for them to consider. It is normally conducted once a year.
We sell a wide range of multi-vitamin products – from children to adults. Our pharmacists can provide you a good advice or recommend multi-vitamins to your needs. Please do not hesitate to speak to a staff or pharmacist.
You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you are:
When you are prescribed a new medicine by your doctor our pharmacists can offer support and advice to ensure you take the new medication as prescribed without suffering any unwanted side effects or explain any further questions you may have. We usually do this by keeping in contact with you during the first 4 weeks of your new medicine being prescribed.
The service is only available for people living in England, and only for those who have been prescribed a new medicine for the conditions listed:
The NMS can help:
In store service that allow you to talk to doctor directly online. They offer fast , efficient and confidential service at a time convinient for you.
During our opening hours we dispense a wide range of NHS prescriptions including dental, repeat, electronic and private prescriptions. Unless the patient is eligible for free prescription medicines, the cost of prescription per item under NHS prescription is £8.80. The private prescription can cost more than the NHS charge depending on the medication issued by your private doctor. If the prescription is cheaper to buy, our staffs will advise you on this.
Different strengths of reading glasses are available in our store. These are non-prescription lenses to make reading comfortable and easier by magnifying the text on the page. The larger words help your eyes focus on the text faster. This both minimises eye strain and allows you to hold your book or newspaper closer than an arm’s length away.
We arrange your NHS repeat prescription for free. We can also offer free repeat prescription delivery services in and around Greenwich, Lewisham and Bexley borough.
Going abroad and need to know which vaccinations you require or need advice on precautions?
We provide travel consultations with experienced staff who will assess the impact of any pre-existing medical conditions on your vaccine requirements. Our competitive pricing and easily accessible location makes us your first choice for all your travel needs
Walk in for a free travel health consultation in our designated private consultation rooms today. We look forward to welcoming you and helping you with all your travel healthcare needs.
You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you are:
We have a wide range of vaccinations such as for various travel needs. Come and talk to our one pharmacist for further information.
Walking sticks can be a great support for people who have mobility or flexibility issues. Please ask a member of our staff to help you.
If you’re between 40 and 74 and live in the UK, you should have a health check which we can do at our pharmacy for a nominal charge.
The health check should take around 30 minutes. A healthcare professional, will ask you a series of simple questions about your lifestyle and family history. The check is nothing to worry about and you won’t be asked any embarrassing questions or need to remove clothing.
You can also expect:
The Health Check focuses on:
If you are over 65, you will also be told the signs of dementia to look out for.
After your blood pressure test, sugar level test and BMI results, the Pharmacist will be happy to offer lifestyle advice or suggest you visit your GP, if needed. They might offer ideas on how to:
If you would like to get your Blood Pressure checked by one of our staff, please come to the pharmacy.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid and is vital for the normal functioning of the body. It's mainly made by the liver, but can also be found in some foods. Having an excessively high level of lipids in your blood (hyperlipidemia) can have an effect on your health.
This test aims to provide you with your cholesterol level. We also provide advice based on your test.
We prepare weekly dosette box medicines where we deblister the medicines and put this into the relevant time section inside the container – and deliver to our patients and care homes.
We sell a wide range of dressings and wound care products. Ask a pharmacist if you are not sure which dressings to use for your wounds.
The Electronic Prescription Services (EPS) is the NHS service which allows you to manage your repeat prescription hassle free through your Pharmacy.
No appointments needed, easily accessible location and just a quick consultation, we ensure a hassle free service to all our patients. Simply walk in and ask to speak to our friendly and professional pharmacist about the morning after pill.
Our pharmacist will need to see the person that the emergency contraception is intended for, and will need to ask a few questions regarding the patients’ medical history. This is done in the privacy of our consultation room and everything discussed is in complete confidence. The sooner you come to our pharmacy to take the morning after pill, the greater the chances of avoiding pregnancy.
If the Pharmacist feels like Levonelle One Step is not suitable for you, they will not give you the morning after pill, but advise you to see your health care professional.
We are one of the few pharmacies that are able to provide the morning after pill free of charge to patients who are aged 24 and under, and who meet the NHS criteria. Alternatively, the pill can be purchased privately from our pharmacy.
About Emergency Contraception (Levonelle One Step) -
When it comes to sex, even if you’ve taken precautions, sometimes things don’t quite go to plan. Accidents happen with contraception and things go wrong all the time. You may even just be worried that your contraceptive pill hasn’t worked. If you’ve had unprotected sex or you’re worried about contraception failure, here is some of the information you need to know about Levonelle One Step -
- Levonelle One Step is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed.
- There is one white tablet in the pack and it is most effective when taken within the first 12 hours
- The tablet contains a hormone called Levonorgestrel.
- Levonelle One Step is thought to work by stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg or by preventing sperm from fertilising any egg that may have already been released
- If you are over 16 you can get Levonelle One Step over the counter at our Pharmacy
- If you are under 16 you cannot buy Levonelle One Step at the Pharmacy, you need to visit your GP or a Walk-In centre
- Levonelle One Step works to prevent a pregnancy becoming established, it does not work if you are already pregnant
- You should only use Levonelle One Step in emergencies, not as a regular form of contraception
Please note, there are other emergency contraceptive options available through your doctor or at a Walk-In centre.
If you do have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
A simple, quick glucose level test for anyone interested in knowing their one-off blood sugar level. This test aims to provide you with your individual diabetic risk. results this test can be discussed straight away with the your pharmacist and GP.
At Alpharm Chemist you can get clinical advice and treatment for minor health ailments – like sore throats, coughs, colds, stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhoea and aches and pains. We are open until late (OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAYS AND
SATURDAYS) and at weekends. We are a 100-hour pharmacy!
You don't need an appointment – feel free to just walk in. We have a consultation room for private conversations. All private conversations will be treated as confidential. It’s highly recommended you speak to our pharmacist first for impartial advice for a minor health concern to avoid unnecessary visits to GP or A&E. But if you think you or your family members are more seriously ill, then a GP or hospital visit may be more appropriate. Our pharmacists have expert training in managing minor illnesses and using medicines safely and correctly. They can advise you on the safe and correct use of over-the-counter, self-selection and prescription medicines.
We provide MUR service in the consultation room – an Advanced Service as part of the NHS Community Pharmacy contract. Our pharmacist undertakes a structured review to help patients manage their usage of medicines more effectively. This is useful for patients who take several medicines. The pharmacist reviews the patient’s use of their medication, ensures they understand how their medicines should be used and why they have been prescribed, identifying any problems and then, where necessary, providing feedback to the prescriber. An MUR Feedback Form will be provided to the patient’s GP where there is an issue for them to consider. It is normally conducted once a year.
We sell a wide range of multi-vitamin products – from children to adults. Our pharmacists can provide you a good advice or recommend multi-vitamins to your needs. Please do not hesitate to speak to a staff or pharmacist.
You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you are:
When you are prescribed a new medicine by your doctor our pharmacists can offer support and advice to ensure you take the new medication as prescribed without suffering any unwanted side effects or explain any further questions you may have. We usually do this by keeping in contact with you during the first 4 weeks of your new medicine being prescribed.
The service is only available for people living in England, and only for those who have been prescribed a new medicine for the conditions listed:
The NMS can help:
In store service that allow you to talk to doctor directly online. They offer fast , efficient and confidential service at a time convinient for you.
During our opening hours we dispense a wide range of NHS prescriptions including dental, repeat, electronic and private prescriptions. Unless the patient is eligible for free prescription medicines, the cost of prescription per item under NHS prescription is £8.80. The private prescription can cost more than the NHS charge depending on the medication issued by your private doctor. If the prescription is cheaper to buy, our staffs will advise you on this.
Different strengths of reading glasses are available in our store. These are non-prescription lenses to make reading comfortable and easier by magnifying the text on the page. The larger words help your eyes focus on the text faster. This both minimises eye strain and allows you to hold your book or newspaper closer than an arm’s length away.
We arrange your NHS repeat prescription for free. We can also offer free repeat prescription delivery services in and around Greenwich, Lewisham and Bexley borough.
Going abroad and need to know which vaccinations you require or need advice on precautions?
We provide travel consultations with experienced staff who will assess the impact of any pre-existing medical conditions on your vaccine requirements. Our competitive pricing and easily accessible location makes us your first choice for all your travel needs
Walk in for a free travel health consultation in our designated private consultation rooms today. We look forward to welcoming you and helping you with all your travel healthcare needs.
You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you are:
We have a wide range of vaccinations such as for various travel needs. Come and talk to our one pharmacist for further information.
Walking sticks can be a great support for people who have mobility or flexibility issues. Please ask a member of our staff to help you.